Friday, February 14, 2014


hai hai... again....
tadi tgh scroll timeline twitter tetiba ada tweet.. the people said "i'm tired" is to hide their sadness..

yahhh.. i feel that.. tetiba rasa sedih.. tah ape la asyik tetiba tetiba jek..
tapikan mmg betul lah.. kadang2 lepaas kene marah or orang buat perangai ehem2 dgn kita.. surely sedih kann.. walau sebatu api mana pon kita.. there must be a sadness deep inside us.. yahhh.. now i feel that to hide sadness is like that.. 

hari tu ada baca buku.. what we give we'll get back.. so maksudnya.. bila kita bagi kesedihan kat org lain.. tu lah sebab kesedihan datang kat kita la ye??mmg ada betul nya kat situ tapi entah lahh.. tak tahu kenapa harini nak post pasal sedih2 ni.. nak kata tgh sedih entah lah.. tetiba pulak.. i think i need to find shoulder to cry.. ok lahh.. that;s all.. toodlesss

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

officially 18

hye hye sume.. *ada org ke??
hahaha.. okok.. hari ni berkaitan dgn tajuk.. i nak post.. 
pada tanggal 4 Februari 2014.. i'm officially 18... (wooooooooo...)
yeahhh.. x sgka I da 18 tahun berpijak kat muka bumi ni... alhamdulillah Ya Allah...ok next.. i celebrate my birthday with my friend... it's my friend... yaaaaaa... kita org tgk wayang.. makan kat Seoul Garden.. jalan2... pegi tawaf satu mall.. hahahaha.. rindu dia sebenarnya.. da lama sgt x jumpa.. just whatsapp n text jekk.. so bila da jumpa nihh.. mmg jadi mak Jemah la kiteorg.. mcm2 story nak bukak.. girl's nature... hihihi..
yahhh.. my mom give me 2 pair of shoes.. my sis n bro bagi duit jek lahh.. but it's okayy..
this year bday.. although it's simple n sweet.. but I love it.. But I hate the fact that I'm EIGHTEEN... 
i hope to turn back the time.. masa kecik2 dulu.. ahhhhhh... 
nak wat acano.. just go on la with life kann... 

And one more thing.. lagi sikit masa SPM result nak kuar... arghhhhh... masa yg x ditunggu bakal tiba... sabar jelah ngan my result.. hihihih...ok lahh toodlessss...